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Craig Stuart

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paper aeroplane

Paper AeroplaneL.jpg

'Paper Aeroplane' is a personal song about the loss of my Nan and seeing my Mum having to go through it. It's also about a conversation I had with my Nan about 'Love' how people just throw it around like it's nothing when it is infact rare and special.

Paper Aeroplane

I still remember

remember holding hands

singing old lang syne.

But now it's December again

and no ones holding hands

singing a cold sung line.


I believed in miracles

until you took her away


Love gets thrown around likes it's just another word

Putting up a wall so that you don't get hurt

love's not always beautiful but it's worth the fight.

Love gets thrown around like it's just another name

floating through the air like a paper aeroplane

loves not always as beautiful like a bird in flight


I still remember

how you used to laugh

like it was yesterday

But now it's december again

and I only see you cry

I wish I knew what to say

I believed in miracles

until you took her away

Love gets thrown around likes it's just another word

Putting up a wall so that you don't get hurt

love's not always beautiful but it's worth the fight

Love gets thrown around like it's just another name

floating through the air like a paper aeroplane

but love is not always as beautiful as a bird in flight


I never got to say goodbye and to hold you for one more night

I’ve probably cried a hundred times

I just wish I could tell you I love you one more time.


Love gets thrown around likes it's just another word

Putting up a wall so that you don't get hurt

love's not always beautiful but it's worth the fight

Love gets thrown around like it's just another name

floating through the air like a paper aeroplane

but love is not always as beautiful as a bird in flight

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